Quickpage Inc. Apps

Quickpage App 1.3.00
Quickpage Inc.
Quickpage is the #1 closing solutions app for sales professionalsthat uses personal video email communication tactics which quicklybuilds trust and rapport, helping you close more sales. Quickpagegives sales professionals a simple solution to follow up with theirleads in a creative and impactful way by grabbing attention andgreatly improving the chance to earn the customers trust and make asale. What does Quickpage do? In just a FEW MINUTES, you can EASILYcreate a media rich webpage from the Quickpage mobile app orDesktop version on your computer, that you can email and TEXT to 1lead or MANY. Within a couple of clicks from the mobile or desktopapp, automatically generate a beautiful web page for your leadwhere you can record or upload a personal video message, take orattach relevant images and videos from your phone or computer,write a message or use a canned message and even access the entireYouTube database. Note: Your Customer does NOT need the app andthere is nothing for them to download or install. If your customerhas a smartphone, tablet or computer they will be able to view yourpage and communicate with you on your page. Live Notifications Getnotified when your lead visits the page so you can engage with themon the live, integrated chat and answer any questions holding themback from doing business with you. Communicate with your customerswhere they feel most comfortable, on their phone or computer. Builtin Analytics and Page Tracking You’ll also get statistical insightson how long your lead was on the page and how many times theyopened the page, giving you real-time feedback as to how interestedthey are in what you’re offering. Teams Have a team? A managementdashboard allows sales managers to add team member accounts,distribute and track sales leads by salesperson and manage thecustomer experience. Teams can leverage assets with shared mediafolders. What makes Quickpage unique? • Quickpage pages areindividual and trackable web pages. • Quickpage pages include realtime chat allowing the customer to communicate. • Quickpage pageskeep both email and chat communications together in chronologicalorder in one spot allowing easy to understand relationships. •Quickpage pages are dynamic and can be updated in real time withoutthe need of sending the lead a new link or asking them to refreshthe page. • Quickpage pages allows multiple individual chats on onesingle page. • Everything you can do on the desktop version isavailable on mobile. • In addition to emailing your Quickpage youcan deliver the page by text (from desktop as well) or copy thelink and share anywhere. • Quickpage pages can be shared on socialwith real time statistics. • Our application works for bothindividual users and teams. • Teams can share media folders toleverage the company’s assets. With a well thought out andthoroughly tested UX/UI design, Quickpage is as beautiful as it ispowerful. Close more sales and retain more clients, simply by beinga more helpful and human salesperson. Try out Quickpage for freenow.